Saturday, August 31, 2019

Consumer Behavior In The Fashion Industry Essay

Introduction This study is aimed at analyzing the consumer behavior towards the fashion industry especially in consideration young and mature women in London. Fashions are concerned with the production of fashion clothing. Most consumers in the world today are concerned with the features of the product as they form most important factor in determining the consumer behaviors. Take for example of products of fashion show for young and mature women. The industry is involved in the manufacture clothing. Due to increase and growth of consumerism, the clothing should come up with clothes that make women move with times thus increasing consumption and production. Consumer behavior in the automotive industry especially in consideration to general motors is influenced by culture factors, social factors, Personal factors and Psychological factors. Look more:  the consumer buying process begins when essay RESEARCH OBJECTIVES   The answers to this question will enhance my professional knowledge and competence in many ways.   As a professional I will understand factors influencing consumption in the industry and will enable me make recommendations on improving the fashions market share.The answers to this question also will assist me as a professional by motivating me to ensure that that I work improves their products. 1)To review literature on fashion behaviour and the factors influencing 2)To compare and contrast the buying behaviour of mature and young woman in London regarding buying of fashion clothing 3)To identified the key factors influencing the buying process of fashion clothing in young and mature woman in London 4)To provide recommendation to manufacture of fashion clothing and fashion retailer. Scope of the study The scoop of the study follows literature review of factors influencing. The researcher manages the entire gamut of processes from initial stage of identifying the problem to final stage of report writing. The capabilities required by the researcher in this research in managing the entire project and providing real time for information sharing, decision synchronization and research optimization to all stake holders. What are necessary attribute required by a researcher to manage the dynamics of marketing based on the requirements by industry. However, this study assumes that other factors like family background financial, stability of the family place of birth, race, have no impact on the consumer behaviors. The proposed study will be used as a supplementary framework to focus entirely on the competence of the research. The objects of the study will include; Experimental Correlation Survey Grounded theory Ethnography Narrative Mixed method Action research. This study will be based on a process based on experiment using practical’s as a platform to develop method which will be used as evaluation criteria for the research and researcher in this research question and future researchers The critical review Literature review Consumer behavior in the consumption of any product any where in the world is influenced by culture factors, social factors, Personal factors and Psychological factors. Culture factors In world today culture is one of the most fundamental determinants for one when deciding the product to consume. This is because of a wide range of products and services.   Most of the people due to their cultural influence have started preferring certain products.   Children growing up will learn the culture of parents or peers thus preferring specific values that are crucial to a determining consumption. One of the values they like most is comfort.   These values common in children remain in them even if they grow up. From the culture, somebody may develop certain spending patterns is not something strange.   A child growing up in specific culture is exposed to achievement, success, beliefs and other cultural factors that influence behavior towards consumption. Cultural factors real influence a consumer behavior. Where people believe in values like efficiency and practicality it will influence their consumption is such a situation products that are known to be very efficient in their operations will be preferred. Each culture consists of smaller subcultures that provide more specific identifications.   To its some people consist of racial groups such as the Africans, Americans, Europeans and Asian each have good distinct cultural styles.   They are known to prefer products for example consumption of pork may be rare in middle east because culture and religion. Social factor   Another factors consumer behavior is greatly influenced by social factors like statuses, family and reference groups.   When once goes to the market to purchase a product he will take consideration to his membership groups, social class and family.   These are groups having direct influence to once buying decisions.   These are the groups one associates with most of his time. We have some groups like the upper class prefer buying some products which are not preferred by lower class.   Since companies produces many types of products that fulfill needs this groups and attracts many people.   The influence of a family is very great.   These families using specifics brands greatly encourage their family members to also consume similar products. Co-worker also influence one’s buying decision.   If a boss buys a given commodity the juniors will also try to buy the same. People are also influenced by reference groups in three ways.   Reference groups usually expose a person to a new behavior and lifestyle.   One can belong to a group whose lifestyle believes at consuming a certain product.   If a company produces high quality brands it stands at a better chance of making more sales to such reference group. Reference groups also influence one’s attitudes because their desires fit in these groups. People may prefer some products from a certain company, hence once could like to join his friend or family member towards belonging to the same social class by buying a that product. Also reference groups influence similarity and conformity that may make a person to alive at a specific decision.   So doing one will eventually buy a product similar to that of his friend. People who are in the same social class share similar values, interests, and behavior.   For example there is upper class people who are social elite with a good family background. Personal factors Age and life cycle stage greatly influence consumer buying behavior of almost all products from all industries. Most Bachelors tend to prefer specific brands associated by most youths. But those who are newly married, young and better of financially prefer buying consume different products. In making the final decision of buying a product one’s personal characteristics like his age and life-cycle stage, lifestyle, occupation, economic circumstances and personality will influence his choice. Companies take much consideration to personal characteristics of various groups of people before coming up with a product in order to meet the needs and demand of its people. A child growing up and exposed to some values like material comfort, external comfort and achievement and success will be influenced by those characteristics to consume. For example in America people like buying products that gives them external comfort. People in various professions like occupation managers, school heads, senior government officers, mayors, engineers, lawyers and physicians usually buy some products with the most recent technology. Economic circumstances also influence once buying pattern.   Most people especially those who are highly paid with good saving and with good personnel incomes buy expensive products. The lifestyle of a person influences his or her buying pattern.   People may belong to the same occupation, social class and subculture but leading different lifestyles usually prefer products that feed that group. Personality and self-concept: Personality and self confidence also influence consumers buying behavior products and services. For example expensive car, which are electronically controlled and having four wheel drive systems are associated with people who have high Self-confidence Psychological factors Motivation: some people get satisfied when they buy specific products.   people feel that they have satisfied specific needs by buying certain goods and services. Perception: once a person has been motivated he is willing and ready to act.   Most people to be motivated in order to act will depend mostly on their perceptions of the situation. Two people in the same motivated state may act differently depending on how they perceive the situation. A product may appeal to the perception of a specific customer.   For example various colors that cars are attractive giving customers a good picture of the real quality of this car. Beliefs and attitudes: most people follow some set of belief when making a decision on the type of product to consumer. A belief about a certain product will also influence consumption.   These beliefs make up brand images and most people have been proved to act on these images. People always have good attitude towards specific products and if this product meets the performance according to the needs, desire and attitudes consumption will be influenced. METHODOLOGY: The purpose of the study is to find out factors that influence fashion consumption in UK. The phenomenological research design that will be used will involve a study of the consumer behaviors and consumption in fashion industry. This particular study will be done in two phases where the first phase will involve completion of a questionnaire which is commonly known as a questionnaire survey by individuals. This questionnaire survey will be done on a sample of twenty fashion show owners within London . And the second phase will involve the use of some interview which will be in some way semi structured. Each given phase in this design will address the different research questions and their concerns. At some point within the first phase, there will be cases of the first qualitative phase relying on the some quantitative phases that might have been in use in the design. The interviews that will be used in the design will be carried out in a sample of twenty fashion show owners. The interviews will serve to give out information concerning buying behaviors’ among women. These surveys will therefore give some contextual information about the consumption of a specific fashion. Some studies will be conducted using single stage designs and others like this one will be conducted using the two-stage design. When using the two stage design, the contextualization that will be given in the first stage will be very much helpful (Jasper, 1994). The survey will provide a specific frame for which sampling will be done from for the semi structured interviews that will be done on the fashion operators and buyers. And gaining access to the twenty fashion owners will be very essential to getting the right information concerning the consumption of fashion among young and mature women from the sampled group of a given part of city which will be a representation of the whole population of the young and mature. The given questionnaires will have the contacts so that the used sample can be contacted incase more information will be needed. The quantitative data that will be gotten from the phase of questionnaire survey will now be used to get through to the qualitative sample. The questionnaire surveys have always been made with the above additional purpose in mind. In the cases where one researcher will have to make attachments of qualitative sub samples to samples that will be statistically derived will lead to another mixed method of designs in qualitative research methods (George, 2000). Such mixed methods of designs will most of the time benefit the qualitative researchers in that they give them the chance to have a selection of the specific cases from which they will be able to draw upon information that will be contextual that will also enable them to put their hypothesis under test on a large samples that will be statistically be represented. Therefore in most cases, the researcher will have to be decided on which research design he will use in his project. Some researchers do use multiple designs while others will use single designs. This purely depends on the project that one is doing and which research design the researcher will be most comfortable with. There are three major components in a research design model and they are; determination of the limits of the people to be investigated and also what will be investigated, the collection of data and the last component is the analysis of the collected data in a phenomenological manner. In the first component, the researcher will have to know to what limits the participants in the survey will get in trying to give him the required information. Here the researcher will have to put in mind the limits of the twenty fashion owners in trying to give him information as far as matters of fashion consumption. In addition, the researcher will have to have specific issues which he would want to research on (Joan, 2004). At this point in time, the researcher will have to carry out his project purely on the safety of the crane operators. In trying to get information, the phenomenologist will have to engage himself in an in-depth probing so that quality information may be found. After identifying the sample group that will help in giving the required information, the following step will now involve identifying the most efficient data collection methods. The following methods will be the most preferred methods for this particular survey; the in-depth semi structured interviews that will have to be tape recorded and later on be transcribed. The second data collection method will be the use of a documentary study from which the writings of the subject matter will have to be reviewed so that their meanings can be properly derived from them. This second method will be used hand in hand with the first method (Johnson, 2000). The third and the last data collection method will be the technique of the participant observation. This particular technique will lead to a generation of some kind of an interview. It will be worth noting that in phenomenological research tape recording is important because the tapes will later be transcribed. Sampling designs strategies in qualitative research. There are many different qualitative sampling designs that will be used at the different stages of the research or still they will be used for the different purposes of the research. There are those questions that the researchers should constantly be asking themselves which will serve to give relevant information on the sampling strategy design that the researcher would have chosen to use. It will be very crucial for the researcher to give a clear definition of the objectives of the research. The time that will be spent making clarification with the client will be a time that will be well spent (Kendy, 19976). Most of the times, in qualitative research, the objectives of the project might be refined as the research will keep on progressing. Sometimes the available resources will try to undermine the progress of a researcher’s project. This should be prevented to happen by considering the available human resources to the project at hand and also the nature of the method of data collection. The length of interview that is the qualitative interview will have a great impact on the qualitative sampling design strategy and the final decision of the given sample size. For instance longer interviews will provide detailed data than shorter interviews. With this in mind a decision may be taken on whether to carry out longer or shorter interviews.The sampling size should also be put in mind. This will basically depend on the homogeneous or the heterogeneous nature of the population to be sampled and the requirements of the methods of the data collection that will be employed in this research. Data analysis After the researcher will collect the data, she/he will tabulate the data into tables and analyze it using frequencies descriptive and percentages. The processing of the survey results. The processing of the survey results need not to wait until has been completed, but can begin as soon as the first questionnaires are received. The main steps are; Coding. Nowadays the computer is used widely to process information. For that reason it is often advisable to code the information or even use a preceded questionnaire to facilitate the necessary processing and calculations. Punching. Subsequently the information can be punched for computer purposes. Data tabulation. With the aid of a computer, raw tables may be compiled. These tales are often only preliminary and may serve as guidelines for further analyses and condensed into possibly more meaningful tables. Statistical processing. With the previous step as a basis the information can be processed further until it yields objectives and clear answers to the problem or opportunity which is being investigated. REFERENCES Aaker, D.A., Keller, K.L. 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Friday, August 30, 2019

Why People Use Steroids Health And Social Care Essay

Steroid is a category of manufactured testosterone-like drugs that are used to construct musculuss, encouragement and better visual aspect ( Basic facts about drugs: steroids ) . Many organic structure components, drugs and endocrines are referred to steroids such as bile acids, steroid alcohols and sex endocrines. Anabolic-androgenic steroids are the most widely used steroids used as public presentation heightening agents ( Purchase anabolic androgenic steroids ) . Another steroid type is Cortico steroids, which are used to cut down the impact of hurting, swelling and inflammatory symptoms. Some steroids are necessary to normal wellness such as Vitamin D. However, some are used to derive physical strength.Why Peoples Use Steroid?Work forces used to be the steroid users, but the tendency is altering and now steroids are besides used by females. And now the usage of steroids is non limited to any peculiar gender ; both work forces and adult females use it. The ground for this displace ment is the desire of holding a strong build is besides fast emerging in females. As a consequence they use steroids to acquire into better form. It is non that merely grownup females use steroids, but immature females besides steroids for fast physical growing. The usage of many steroids is illegal, and it can merely be used on physician ‘s prescription, yet many sportswomans have found guilty of utilizing steroids in the recent yesteryear. As a consequence, some received impermanent prohibition while some got lifetime prohibition. Now the inquiry is why they use steroid if it is prohibited? The reply is a bulk of steroid users believe that steroid is the lone manner to develop musculus strength. Furthermore, everyone loves winning, therefore people besides use steroids to heighten their public presentation. Some steroids are used as drugs, and like other drugs, people use steroids to get away the world and bask the pleasance drugs provide them. In today ‘s universe, people want to see their favourite sportswoman winning. Therefore, jocks do whatever it takes to win and they start utilizing steroids to execute good in their several athleticss, but in making so they overlook the side effects of steroid.Steroid Abuse Effects on Men and WomenThe inordinate usage of any substance has some side effects so as the steroid. Unnecessary usage of steroid may hold inauspicious affects on human wellness. Aggression and unmanageable mood-swings are the most common side effects that are caused by steroids ( Disadvantages to steroids ) . Peoples may experience good after utilizing steroid, but uninterrupted usage may do people violent and manic-depressive. There are different gender-specific side effects caused by the unneeded usage of steroid. Problems faced by male users are baldness, gynecomastia ( Development of chest issues ) , sterility, testiss atrophy, and prostate malignant neoplastic disease. In add-on, jobs faced by female users are infertility, additions in organic structure hair, deeper voice, and unpredictable catamenial rhythm and enlarged button ( Disadvantages to steroids ) . These are few jobs that can ensue due to steroid usage. In add-on, steroid besides affects human birthrate that can do different jobs for both work forces and adult females. The following subdivision highlights the effects of steroid usage on human birthrate.Steroid Affects on Men and Women FertilityAs discussed earlier, the uninterrupted usage of steroid can do a figure of health-related jobs. The most terrible 1s caused by the usage of steroid are birthrate jobs in both work forces and adult females. This job can frequently be long permanent ( Illegal drugs and their affect on your birthrate ) .Steroids Affects on Male FertilityMany males do non see the effects of steroids on human birthrate at all. They merely care about looking good by holding large musculuss and executing good in the athleticss sphere. The fact remains clouded until they decide on get downing up a household and it is so when their wont of utilizing steroids begins stalking them. In males, powerlessness and erect ile disfunction are the most common side effects of utilizing anabolic steroid. Steroids besides significantly affect the sperm count. This is because maltreatment of anabolic steroids badly affects the endocrines, which are indispensable to the sperm production ‘s procedure ( Low birthrate caused by steroids ) . In add-on to the fact that the usage of steroid can stop up in low sperm count, it can besides lend in cut downing the sex thrust. Therefore, it can be said that steroid can so do a figure of sexual and generative jobs in male ( Doweiko, 2008 ) . And the more the steroids are taken, the larger it will impact the endocrines form. Fortunately, the amendss that steroids cause on the male birthrate can be reversed if person stops taking the drugs. However, the effects can stay for a twelvemonth, and the sperm count and maps can stay accomplished. It is of import to avoid low birthrate caused by steroids. The status should be on the first precedence to be considered, particularly if the steroids are being used for the recreational intents. In add-on, people should non utilize steroids unless their wellness attention suppliers recommend them.Steroids Affects on Women FertilityIt is non a concealed fact that there is ever a danger of low birthrate when utilizing steroids, both prescribed and non-prescribed. Fertility tabular matters caused by steroids can upshot females. Like males, the usage of steroids can hold a detrimental consequence on the generative system of females. In terrible instances, the birthrate can be for good affected. Those females who take corticoids on a regular basis and trusting to gestate a babe are more prone to the side effects of steroids. Pseudohermaphroditism is another state of affairs that pregnant adult females can endure due to the maltreatment of anabolic steroid. In add-on, it can besides impede the growing of female foetus. Steroids besides increase the hazard of foetal decease in adult females. It is of import that they should confer with with their doctors on a regular basis to avoid any bad luck in gestation or birth defects. The ground is the harm for some adult females in that instance can be permanent, and it can hold an impact on their ability to gestate. Furthermore, such types of steroids remain in the organic structure for a longer period, therefore, the effects can stay till the drug is present in the organic structure ( Low birthrate caused by steroids ) .

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The American Tactics of the Revolutionary War

Most of Europe thought that the British with their immense amount of capital, soldiers and supplies would beat the American resistance in the American revolutionary war without much of an effort. However the Patriots realized, from their earliest difficulties, to capitalize on the enemys weaknesses. Guerrilla warfare and a strategy that emanated from the ability to manipulate events to their own benefit enabled the Americans to defeat the ostensibly more powerful British. The Americans suffered great abuse from their mother country. The British laid upon the Americans heavy taxes between the years 1764 to the middle of 1776. They created such taxes in the Sugar Act, Townshend Act, Tea Act, the Intolerable Acts and many other acts. These acts over the course of the years destroyed much of the faith that Americans had in the British government. The greater portion of the population thought the British were inadequate rulers and that they could do a much better job in ruling themselves. The Americans were tired of the Quartering Act which let British troops be housed in their own homes. They didnt enjoy housing British troops so that their families could be spied upon or have their children raped. The least the Americans thought they deserved was the right to have a representation in Parliament and the right to settle the land over the Appalachian Mountains. If the farmers could have more land to work on, the Americans could have a surplus of food to ship to other countries creating a better economy for the American people. Over the course of about twenty-five years the Americans sent over 500 bills to the British House Of Trade trying to repeal the economic acts that Britain laid down upon them. The Americans also tried to convince the British to let them have the ability to trade with other countries. If the British would have allowed this the common people of American would have been doing better economically; the percent of poor people would have been lowered greatly and the average income would have gone up a great deal. The reason it would have gone up so much is that Britain controlled the prices of products. The British decided how much they would buy a product for from the Americans and charge them two or three times as much to buy it back. All the American people really wanted was to be treated properly. As Thomas Paine said in Common Sense the British treated the Americans like an abusive mother would treat her child. Due to the economic hardships the Americans suffered they knew that they were going to face many problems in the war. The Americans knew that the British had a larger supply of men ranging from more experienced generals to more soldiers. The British had such a surplus of income from all of their colonies that they were able hire and supply mercenaries from Germany to come and fight in America. They had a stronger navy and a lot more artillery than the Americans had. The Americans faced many other disadvantages such as lack of guns, ammunition, food, clothing, and most of all they were heavily outnumbered by men. The British had most advantages except for three main things. The first of all the British had a harder time setting up their supply line because they were so far away from any major base. Their main head quarters was on Long Island. The British had a difficult time setting up a supply line outside of New York and New Jersey to feed, clothe, and keep in contact with their men. The second disadvantage was that the American generals knew the land and terrain where they were fighting a lot better then the British generals did. The American Generals knew how to deal with certain weather issues and turned it to their advantage. The Americans could plan out strategies based on land and terrain rather than sheer numbers, which is how the British tried to deal with the patriots. The third and probably one of the most important British disadvantages that they faced was that the Patriots had more desire to win. The soldiers knew that they were defending their land, their families, and they were protecting their desires. The British soldiers were fighting for what most of them considered to be nothing. Most of the British soldiers were tired of fighting in America and wanted to go home and see their families or create and have a family. The Americans at the beginning of the war tried a certain style of warfare known as Jomini warfare. The two enemies would decide when to have a battle and attack each other. The two enemies would charge at each other, shoot and hope that the basic strategy that was planned at the beginning would hold out. Much less strategy was used and involved in a battle such as this. The only problem with this style of warfare for the Americans was that in certain battles the British sometimes outnumbered them four to one. One such battle that proved that the Americans could not beat the British using European warfare was in the Battle of Brandywine. Washington was trying to keep the British from overtaking Philadelphia and at least give the Continental Congress time to leave Philadelphia before they were attacked. Washington with a force of 11,000 men thought he could take on General Howe. Howe divided his army and over took Washington with a flanking maneuver and forced Washington to retreat. Washington had lost about a thousand men. This battle proved to Washington how he needed a strategy that would not have them going into a man to man combat situation where numbers were the main deciding factor. He tried to overtake General Howe at Germantown in fog by sending half of his army to the backside of the town and half to the front side of the town. The army failed to move properly so Washington lost the battle of Germantown but it prevented Howe not to have another assault on Philadelphia that year. Even though Washington lost this battle it was a victory for him personally as a commander and for the army. It proved to the Americans how they could not face the British in direct man to man combat and forced them to form new methods to fight the British so that they could survive. The Americans created new strategies in order to overcome their enemies and capitalize on their weaknesses. The native people coined this new strategy called guerrilla warfare. The basis of this style of warfare is to quickly attack your enemy and run away. The Americans carefully selected their battleground and time of attack as much as possible in guerrilla warfare so that they could have every advantage possible so that they could have a chance to win. Two such instances where the time of day and choice of terrain were the complete reasons for British defeat were at Stony Point and at Paulus Hook. The battle at Stony Point took place on the night of July fifteenth and ended the morning of July sixteenth. Washington assigned Mad Anthony Wayne to this attack. Wayne had 1,350 men that were given to him for this attack. He set his men in two tight lines and marched towards the fort in and camouflaged by the night darkness. The first men to raid the fort attacked with their bayonets. The British fort soon went into chaos and surrendered very quickly. In total this battle cost the Americans 15 lives, they killed 63 British soldiers, and General Clinton was forced to surrender the fort to the Americans. Another battle that was won by time of day and terrain was in Paulus Hook, New Jersey. Harry Lee took a small squad and attacked the 200 men post. He attacked at dawn and caught the British completely off guard and shocked them. He killed or captured almost everybody at the fort. He retreated with everyone within two hours of the attack to make sure no British reinforcements arrived. There were many different guerilla warfare styles and strategies over the course of the revolutionary war. One such strategy was to have two rows of riflemen fire and then run away. The British would then try to catch them and the troops would be lead into a trap waiting for them. Two of the best, and most successful, uses of this strategy were at the Battle of Cowpens and the Battle at Guilford Court. The Battle of Cowpens physically took place on January 17 but was set up between January 2,1781 and the day of the actual battle on January 17. The battle of Cowpens was a major battle of the war against the British for conquest as much as morals. Previous to the battle General Greene had separated his army of about 1,700 into two divisions. His army would have 1,100 and General Morgan would have about 600 men. General Cornwallis thought this to be a very foolish move and sent out Banastre Trarleton, one of the most fearsome British officers with 1,100 men. Morgan knew he would lose against Trarleton at his present so he traveled to Cowpens South Carolina to wait for the onslaught that they knew was coming. On the way to Cowpens Morgan picked up enough men to almost evenly match the British man for man. He knew that Trarleton would attack frontally so he prepared a strategy that would be able to handle it. He knew and planned on the fact that his militia would retreat at first sign of charge so he laid out a strategy that would take this into account. He had his militia stand in two rows. All of the militia that were in the rows were instructed to fire twice and leave. This strategy worked better then Morgan could have ever planned. His two rows of men, totaling about 400 men knocked back and completely destroyed the first British charge and then the militia retreated. Leaving his other men to charge at the British, General Morgan completely humiliated Trarleton. Morgan had killed or captured more than three fourths of his force. Trarleton had only escaped with 140 horsemen. The same strategy was implemented at the battle at Guilford Court. British General Cornwallis wanted revenge on General Morgan for what he did to the British at Cowpens. So Cornwallis had his army of 2,500 men trail General Morgans army who chose to go north after their victory and rejoin with General Greenes army. He trailed their army for nearly two months and after losing at least 500 men trailing Morgan and Greene, he decided to go in a complete circle back to Hillsborough. There General Nathan Greene was waiting for him. He had applied their previous strategy in the battle at Cowpens to this battle. General Greene started with 2,000 men after the Battle at Cowpens and had increased his numbers up to over 4,500 men. He decided to place a good number of his militia in two forward lines and the continental part of his army in a third row. He called Colonel Washington to protect his left flank and Light Horse Harry Lee to protect his right flank. After the quick attack Greene decided to leave and not pursue a fight. He knew that the losses that they would have suffered would not have been worth the fight but during this battle they killed about 300 British troops. This battle at Guilford Court caused Cornwallis to retreat all the way back to Wilmington and then to Virginia where the demise of the British was. Another reason the Americans won certain battles over the British army was that the British did not take the American resistance with total seriousness causing them to do some stupid things do to poor judgement. One example of a battle when the British lost due to their stupidity was in the Battle at Bennington. The British were heading towards Vermont to obtain horses, food, and other supplies to aid the German mercenaries who had been without horses for a great length of time. Lieutenant Colonel Fredrich Baum was instructed not to risk heavy losses but to scare and despoil the Vermonters. Baum left his camp with about 700 men and two cannons, which was thought to be more than enough to fight any small resistance that they might face. His first defiance of his orders was when Baum encountered a force of 200 men sent by Brigadier General John Stark. After the battle he was informed that these men were part of a militia force gathering at Bennington. He decided to press towards Bennington and destroy the force, even though it went against his orders again. Baum then marched towards Bennington. On his way there Baum saw two contingents of men going towards his rear and presumed that they were Tories that were going to flank the enemy and didnt give them a second thought after seeing them. When Baum approached Bennington, Stark order his men in front to charge, at the same time the two contingents of men already behind Baum also attack him and Baum was massacred. If Baum had taken any care as to even think of the contingents traveling behind him he could have possibly beaten the Americans at Bennington. But because of his disobedience of orders and his ignorance he lost the battle. The British, with all their money, men, supplies, and power couldnt overcome what little the Americans had. The Patriots realized, from their earliest difficulties, to capitalize on the enemys weakness. The Americans devised new tactics to overcome the British in their traditional Jomini style of warfare. The Americans used all that they possibly had to beat British. What drove the Americans to create these new strategies, though, was their desire; their desire to overcome the British is what gave the colonial fighters their true advantage during the American Revolutionary War.

Human resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Human resource - Essay Example The act further prevents employers from using force or threat of retaliation to influence employees’ freedom and right to elect, democratically, their unions for representation. The act also identifies an organization’s supervisor as part of its management. This means that a supervisor is an organization’s agent and the organization is therefore vicariously liable for its supervisors’ actions (Bramball, 2012). The same act however identifies management’s right to influence unions’ elections through tactful initiatives (DeCrew, 2003). Applying these principles supports my decision to uphold the elections because even though the supervisor made repeated appearances near the union’s meeting, his action does not communicate any form of threat to retaliate on the union. This undermines applicability of threat of reprisal against the union. Even though the supervisor is an agent to the organization, his action is consistent with the manageme nt’s right to use its tactics to influence union elections (Bramball, 2012; DeCrew,

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Three types of destruction myths Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Three types of destruction myths - Essay Example According to them, the world will face a time of destruction and at that time, the Gods will have a battle against all the evils and giants of the world. According to the myth, the world will have three consecutive winters whereby conflict will arise in all parts of the world. People will start fighting amongst themselves, families will break, and all codes of morality will be broken. The wolf skull will destroy the moon and his brother Hati will eat the moon, which will push the world into complete darkness leaving no stars in the sky. Three cocks will be found who will crow to the giants, Gods and the dead. Natural calamities such as earthquakes will destroy the world and these will free the wolf known as â€Å"Fenrir† (Lindemans, 1999). A serpent will twist the seas and make his way to the land where he will spread his poison and will crash the waves against a ship called Naglfar and all the giants will come towards the battlefield. The dead will rise again and the inhabita nts of hell will return. A giant called the Surt will set the world on fire. Meanwhile, a horn will be blown inviting all the Gods and the giants to the battlefield. The Gods, evils, and giants from all over the world will gather to fight and the battle will begin. The poison of Surt will be spread and kill many Gods like that of thunder.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Strategic Management Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Strategic Management Accounting - Essay Example Organisational diagnosis involves the thorough evaluation of the processes and issues in an organisation in order to identify the issues that are causing the organisation to fail in its quest to achieve all its major goals and objectives (Van Tonder & Roodt, 2013). Organisational diagnosis is necessary to provide the scientific basis for a structured change in an organisation (Harrison & Shirom, 2011). It therefore uses tools to identify the main processes and change that are relevant to a given organisation and deduces issues with the business process and how there could be changes and adjustments in the processes of doing things in an organisation (Harsh, 2014). From the facts of the scenario relating to US Postal Services, there is a central issue that is identified with the organisational structure and philosophy of the management and authorities behind the entity. The public-sector worldview stands in the way of the achievement of results for US Postal Services. Therefore, there is the need to examine this central issue which is steeped in the capital structure of the company and how it influences the management and competitive position of US Postal Services. It is through a thorough organisational diagnosis that the main issues of US Postal Services can be identified and proper solutions can be recommended. The capital composition of US Postal Services is one that fundamentally puts the company into a situation where they will have to focus on stakeholder interests as opposed to shareholder interests. This is because it is a public sector entity and will need to meet the objectives of the government by providing the cheapest form of postal services to all Americans. This implies that US Postal Services will have to focus on metrics and measures that do not include financial measures and standards like profitability and return on investment. The implication is that they will have to use the resources available to provide the best

Monday, August 26, 2019

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Report - Essay Example Time management is integral to a manufacturing process and this is reflected in the way shop level facilities are created to ensure minimum loss of time in looking for a raw material or a tool or a component or a spare part. In other words, for all in-house manufacturing and assembly operations, project layout is synonymous with supply chain management. Layout of a manufacturing facility is a comprehensive exercise involving movement of incoming and outgoing materials and successive stages of processing. Incoming materials may be raw materials and/or semi-finished items and outsourced components/subassemblies. Outgoing materials are usually the finished products duly packed for delivery. The manufacturing process itself generates waste and scrap which are to be collected and disposed in a planned manner. Depending upon the type of operation at each stage in a manufacturing process, the layout is finalized in a variety of ways like a work center or a manufacturing cell or an assembly line or a continuous process etc. The layout designer keeps in mind the flow of materials in these stages while determining the space and facilities. While a centralized purchase and stores management takes care of timely availability of all incoming materials, sub-stores are organized at the floor level as per production plans. In a work center, these stores cater to the raw materials, tools and consumables while in the assembly line, they are used for components, subassemblies or bought out items. Continuous processing lines also have shop level stores for incoming materials, consumables, and essential spares. Organizational set up ensures availability of materials in the sub-stores at the floor level as per production plans. Economic analysis is the basis for ‘make or buy’ decisions and invariably a substantial amount of outsourcing happens in all manufacturing processes. Suppliers are very important part of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Environmental Values Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Environmental Values - Essay Example in 1974 drew inspiration from the feminist movements in which feminist activists rebelled against the traditional oppression of women by domineering men. In many countries, even developed countries, women are the weaker gender and without voice and are forced to accept the exploitation by men. Ecofeminism attempts to relate these events to the fact that nature and environment is exploited by men in the same way and nature attempts to meekly accept this racism, species segregation and exploitation. To a certain extent the main complaints and philosophy of the movement is indeed true and the arguments put forth by the movement is relevant. Man is the traditional defiler of all things and it is true that the major corporate positions in the world and in trade and industrial bodies are filled with men. Therefore, it would be men who constantly attempt to find new ways to exploit powerless nature, which cannot speak aloud. Later arguments of the Ecofeminism are at fault and their views on technology are not acceptable to me. It must be noted that when man does exploit forests and pollutes the waters, the beneficiaries are also women who make up the wives, daughters, sisters, mothers and other relatives of men. By tacitly accepting the cutting down of forests and gathering wood for firewood, women are also equally responsible for this defilement. Ecofeminism concepts also want to do away with technology and move towards primitivism where small communities would grow food in the natural way. This is not possible in the modern age as we need technology to produce food for the billions of people and both men and women have to find jobs and earn a living. So this philosophy is not acceptable. Schlosberg (1999) argues Pluralism or more specifically environmental pluralism places the right to exist for all things in nature, man, animals, plants and other inanimate entities such as water, air and earth that makes the environment. Then comes the concept of cost benefit

Saturday, August 24, 2019

FOOD MICROBIOLOGY Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

FOOD MICROBIOLOGY - Lab Report Example The most common cause of food poisoning is bacteria. These bacteria cause symptoms such as vomiting, stomach cramps, headache, diarrhoea, fever or a combination of the above. Some food poisoning bacteria can cause death. Under the right environmental conditions, that is, warmth, food, moisture and time, bacteria can multiply through mitosis where one can split into two in every 10-20 minutes. Bacteria grow at temperatures between 5 and 63 OC and thrives at temperatures of about 37Â °C. Dried foods have a longer shelf life because bacteria needs moisture to grow. High levels of sugar or salt and acid is unconducive for the growth of bacteria. Bacteria also prefers foods that are high in protein and moisture. These high risk foods include meat, poultry, eggs and fish. There are various types of food poisoning bacteria with each having own food sources. Salmonella is found in many types of raw meat, Listeria is found in raw poultry and other meats, Escherichia coli is found in raw meat, Clostridium perfringens is found in raw meat, vegetables, herbs and spices, while staphylococcus aureus is obtained from food handlers. (Ridgewell, 2001). In the early 1980s, the number of recorded human cases of Salmonella enterica rose to over 10,000 cases in the UK, then increased for 20 years in England and Wales to a peak of 33,000 cases in 1997 (Cogan & Humprey, 2003). From 1998, the number has been decreasing till date. However, according to (Public Health England, 2014) there was an outbreak of Salmonella Enteritidis that caused three deaths and an outbreak of 247 cases from 158 on 15th of August 2014. There were 99 cases in Hampshire, 39 in Cheshire, 30 in London and 54 in the West Midlands. Salmonella Enteritidis is a bacterium that causes gastrointestinal illness and is often associated with poultry and eggs. Salmonella belongs to the Enterobacteriaceae and are facultative anaerobic Gram-negative bacilli. Salmonella has an incubation

Friday, August 23, 2019

Ethical And Moral Dilemma Case Studies Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Ethical And Moral Dilemma Studies - Case Study Example She is also obligated to honor the orders from her seniors and hence the conflict of interest. By letting go of the cocaine case, Linda would be acting against morality and the oath of service she took and the distribution of the drug would cause more harm to the society. Failing to heed to the distress call by the dispatcher would imply that she doesn't honor the authority and as such liable for punishment. Besides, her failure to attend to back up the burglary case may imply that her fellow officers would be outdone by the criminals and as such the whole force being on the losing side. Linda also would consider the morality in failing to arrest the drug trafficker on the premise of overcrowding o the jails which would also be unethical. This paper postulates that Linda would assume the call by the dispatcher to concentrate on the drug crime as it is an equal crime as the burglary is. The ethical support o such reasoning would be based on the fact that crime towards humanity is alwa ys unethical. Trafficking harmful substance such as the drug compromises the social well-being of the people who would use it and hence the moral responsibility of the police force to combat the crime. Although burglary is an equal vice, Linda is not ethically justified to leave drug crime to attend to the burglary because as much as burglary needs attention, drug trafficking requires an equal and urgent attention. Linda is therefore in the crisis between choosing to be loyal to the seniors and acting legally as the profession expects of her.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Inside the mind of a savant Essay Example for Free

Inside the mind of a savant Essay Treffert and Christensen’s article (2005), touches on the important and curious issue: the differences among humans. It is not to hide that jealous and curious species desire to possess what others possess and desire to know how it is possible. The description of savant individual, Kim Peek, leaves the readers wonder about the possibilities that have a mere possibility and right to existence. These authors begin their article with a concrete description of what does it mean to be savant. Their description is well poised and not an eggeduration. They, straightforwardly, describe the concrete features that Kim had without forgetting to mention that Kim also has serious physical disabilities. Kim’s listed abilities are though impressive. I do not know a person who would think twice to have what Kim had – but knot with the price that Kim had to pay. Enduring difficult attitude from others or enduring physical differences are quite different things. Kim endured physical differences that simply made him more different. Now, when he is a grown man (and way into his 50th), researchers took a serious interest in him due to the uniqueness of his case. The authors mentioned in the article that, even in childhood, Kim was missing Corpus Colossum, the connecting neural network that connects left and right human hemispheres. The writers write, â€Å"Yet in people whose corpus callosum has been severed in adulthood, generally in an effort to prevent epileptic seizures from spreading from one hemisphere to the other, a characteristic split-brain syndrome arises in which the estranged hemispheres begin to work almost independently of each other. † This statement, by itself, points out at the materialistic approach that without the synaptic connections between the right and left hemisphere the connection between right and left hemisphere is impossible. There were some ‘guesses’ among the appropriate researchers but no one wanted to mention a possibility that that here is a hidden purpose behind such appearances. The authors conjecture lies within a science fiction, however plausible. They wrote that the person born without corpus collossum learn to connect right and left hemisphere with the non-traditional ways. Their hypothesis consists of an idea that two separated hemispheres learn to act as one, in unison. One major point that the authors noticed was that the ‘abnormalities’ stem form the damage in the left hemisphere only. Furthermore, the suggested that males, per ce, display more frequent number of cases of savanism, stuttering, dyslexia, and autism. Their response to this theory was straightforward: one possible explanation lies within the fetus development in which they suggest that the make fetus has higher levels chemically dependent and left-brained situation. In to this hypothesis the understanding that the left hemisphere develops with a slower rate than that of right has a big part of their study. To evidence the above, the authors use the examples of so called â€Å"acquired savant syndrome† which is resulted in older children after the accidental damage to the left hemisphere. Further, the article speculates upon the implication of the significance behind the corpus collossum. One possibility includes a rationale, which suggests that, the possibility of the right brain compensation if the left-brain cannot function properly. Another possibility makes the readers think that inability to function within one hemisphere unravels the latent ability in another. The latter theory suggests that the left-brain dominance is due to the fact that we live in the techno logical society that prizes the left-brain achievements. Thus, the function of the left-brain, which is prone to science, math, and logic, leads us to what we call Human Rational, the human species that uses conscious analogies in their day-to-day operations (Read, 1997). The dysfunction of the left hemisphere all of the sudden opens new possibilities hidden and latent within the right hemisphere that holds the key to what we call today Human Conscious. It is of interest to the readers that traditional intelligence tests did not really work with the above subject: some parts showed below average while other superior range performance. In another excursion into the case, the authors noted Kim’s unusual versatility with a tremendously large lexicon of vocabulary in his possession. With Kim’s inability to explain the meaning behind the proverbs he finds amazing associations and is being quite effective in long-term memory recall. Such has been evidenced by his unusual abilities dealt with music, as per complex line up of tones and musical styles as well as the names and works of various artists. Here, and despite his dexterous prior complications, he can seat at piano and play a piece he had discussed â€Å"shifting effortlessly from one mode to another. † Even Greehan, the Mozart scholar commented positively about Kim’s abilities. In summary, the authors, refer to the fictional Rain Man produced after Kim’s life story, although the the writer Barry Morrow decided not to outline Kim’s life story. Similarities are striking, however, and cause one is thinking about not-discovered human abilities. References Darold A. Treffert and Daniel D. Christensen (2005). Onside the mind of a savant. Scientific American. Retrieved July 22, 2007 from http://www. condition. org/sa5c. htm Read, S. G. (Ed. ). (1997). Psychiatry in Learning Disability. Edinburgh: W. B. Saunders. Retrieved July 24, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=od=100737215.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Information Systems in Global Business Today Essay Example for Free

Information Systems in Global Business Today Essay How IT drives the UPS operation worldwide. Using smart people and smart technology, UPS delivers over 14 million packages daily to 200 countries and territories, requiring the talents of 70,000 drivers who are wirelessly connected to UPS main databases located in seventeen major data centers throughout through out the world. Case United Parcel Services global operations are driven by its information systems technology. What UPS can do is largely a function of its information technology investments. Beginning as a local delivery service in 1907, UPS expanded on the West coast initially, reached New York in the 1930s, and went international in the 1970s. Today, UPS delivers over 14 million packages daily to 200 countries and territories, requiring the talents of 70,000 drivers who are wireless connected to UPS main databases located in seventeen major data centers throughout through out the world. A multi-year, multibillion dollar investment in technology drove the growth of UPS over the last twenty five years beginning in 1990. This investment enabled the development of the DIAD, the Delivery Information Acquisition Device. DIAD is a key element in UPSs business technology platform. Company spokesmen say that UPS revolutionized the package delivery business in 1991 when it developed and deployed the first Delivery Information Acquisition Device, known as the DIAD. More than twenty years later, UPS continues its pioneering development efforts with the fourth generation of the DIAD the DIAD IV. To ensure maximum flexibility in field transmission capabilities, DIAD IV includes multiple wireless connectivity options. Each DIAD IV features a built-in GPRS and CDMA radio, an acoustical modem to facilitate dial-up access if necessary, and 802. 11b wireless local area network connectivity to enable transmission in a UPS center. The DIAD IV also features a Bluetooth wireless personal area network and an infrared (IrDA) port to communicate with peripheral devices and customer PCs/printers. DIAD IV introduces a revolutionary new feature Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) to the handheld terminal market. UPS plans to use this technology to provide drivers with more detailed directions to pick-up and delivery points in order to improve customer service. The monochrome screen on previous DIADS will be replaced with a color screen that accommodates more information which can be displayed in an easier-to-read, more attractive manner. The color screen also enables UPS to color-code messages transmitted to a drivers DIAD. Urgent customer pickup messages, for example, can be color-coded to alert the driver. In addition, the DIAD IV contains 128 megabytes of memory 20 times the capacity of the DIAD III. UPS will use this expanded capacity to provide new and improved customer services. Like its predecessors, the DIAD IVs battery lasts an entire work day. The DIAD IV sends delivery information to the UPS data repository as soon as the delivery information is entered. Drivers simply scan the package bar code, collect the receivers signature electronically, type in the Copyright Notice This work is protected by United States copyright laws and is provided solely for the use of instructors in teaching their courses and assessing student learning. Dissemination or sale of any part of this work (including on the World Wide Web) will destroy the integrity of the work and is not permitted. The work and materials from this site should never be made available to students except by instructors using the accompanying text in their classes. All recipients of this work are expected to abide by these restrictions and to honor the intended pedagogical purposes and the needs of other instructors who rely on these materials. last name of the receiver and push a single key to complete the transaction and send the data. There is no need to activate a cell phone or return to the vehicle. Part of what makes the DIAD such a powerful tool is the system ODS (On-Demand Services) that enables communication with the driver. Every UPS driver automatically logs into the ODS system first thing in the morning. This allows dispatchers and center management to access the driver via his/her DIAD throughout the day by sending generalized text messages. Virtually all drivers start their day with a list of predefined customer pickup locations for that day. Thanks to ODS, the addition of a one-time pickup can be added to a drivers work list on-the-fly, enabling UPS to take best advantage of the geographic location of its entire fleet for servicing pickup requests. By using the DIAD, UPS eliminates the use of 59 million sheets of paper per year. The DIAD IV is the most comprehensive tracking device in the delivery industry, combining data collection and transmission technologies, digital signature capture, extensive expandable memory and rugged construction to withstand extreme temperatures and hard falls. Other Features The UPS technology infrastructure enables UPS to offer its customers many services, such as package tracking, freight planning, and freight truck packing optimization, in addition to the basic shipment of packages.

CSR initiatives by Mahindra, Nokia and Nestle

CSR initiatives by Mahindra, Nokia and Nestle Corporate social responsibility is the self regulated mechanism where business ensures that it supports to law, ethics and norms. Corporate Social Responsibility has been redefined throughout the years. It is an organizations mission and a guide to what the company stands for. It is also known as corporate responsibility. Social responsibility is the theory that the business should not function amorally instead of this it should work for the welfare of the society and community and the individuals. In simple way we can say CSR is all about how companies manage the business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society. CSR is the way in which the companies impact the world around them economically, environmentally and socially. CSR initiatives by Mahindra: At Mahindras, CSR means not just the sharing of our wealth, but of our time and of ourselves. Making socially responsible products, making a commitment to the community is the Corporate Social Responsibility for The Mahindra Group. Corporate Social Responsibility is not just a duty for the Mahindra Group but they say that its a way of life. Corporate social responsibility has been always a crucial part of their vision. They say that CSR is the opportunity for them. In 2005 group celebrated its 60th anniversary and pledged to dedicate 1% of its profit after tax to corporate social responsibility. Mahindra launched a special kind of Employee Social Options (ESOPs) to enable employees to involve in socially responsible activities of their choice. This programe has proved a big success. Employees at Mahindra are contributing in a significant way in the development work in villages to teaching children. They are assisting in disaster relief operations also. In fact they are trying their best in creating the better world. CSR initiatives at Mahindra focus mainly on education and health. They have their special emphasis on the girl child. Nanhi Kali is the project for the girl child. There is also a scholarship for the economically disadvantaged people named as Mahindra All India Talent Scholarship. Mahindra Group is also planning to set up two Mahindra Pride Schools. These schools will offer a variety of courses. The main emphasis will be on employability. It will also include training for Information Technology, Retail, and Automotive Engineering etc. They will provide new skills and capabilities to the weaker sections of society, particularly the scheduled castes and scheduled tribe youth. Various fields where Mahindra has taken initiatives towards corporate social responsibility are given below: Education- The Mahindra Group select education as the main tool to transform the lives of the people. In 1953,The K.C. Mahindra Education Trust (KCMET) was formed to promote KCMET has provided more than Rs. 25 crores in the form of grants, scholarships and loans. (KCMET) and the Naandi Foundation is aimed at providing education to the underprivileged girl child in India. Project Nanhi Kali as explained before is also for promoting education. It is a national girl child sponsorship Child sponsorship allows an individual, typically in a developed country, to sponsor, or fund a child in a developing country until the child becomes self sufficient. This could mean financially supporting the education, health or security of the sponsored child, or in some cases .. Click the link for more information.  Programme managed by the K.C. their main emphasis is on providing primary education to the girl child. Criteria for selection in Nanhi Kali programme 1. Girls who are enrolled in government schools 2. Girls whose family income is less than Rs 15,000 p.a. 3. Eldest girl child 4. Girl children with many siblings 5. Girls whose parents are illiterate 6. Girls belonging to backward communities Mahindra Mahindra was awarded the prestigious Auto Monitor Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative of the Year 2007 award for its Nanhi Kali Project at a glittering function held in Delhi. In Mumbai they have started Each One Teach One, Apnalaya, Save The Children, National Sponsorship Council, India Sponsorship Committee, Salaam Baalak Trust, S.N.D.T. Kanya Shala, Indian Association For Promotion of Adoption Child Welfare, Akanksha Foundation, Reach Foundation Action Programme (REAP), Bal-Jeevan Trust, Sunbeam, Doorstep School, Aseema, and Project Crayon. In August 2006, the KCMET and the Government of Rajasthan The Government of Rajasthan also known as the State Government of Rajasthan, or locally as State Government, is the supreme governing authority of the Indian state of Rajasthan and its 30 districts. .. Click the link for more information.  agreed jointly to sponsor the education of 10,000 Nanhi Kalis in Udaipur. Mid Day Meal Kitchen: The Company make a partnership with the Government of Rajasthan and Naandi Foundation for setting up of a centralised Mid Day Meal Kitchen at Govindgarh Taluka, Jaipur District, in the state of Rajasthan. Environment Mahindra Mahindra is also an environmentally conscious organization and is committed to help in maintaining the ecological balance. On the Founders Day the company launched a special campaign named Mahindra Hariyali which aims to add one million trees to Indias green cover by October 2008. Also ESOPs volunteers take up local environmental initiatives at various plants and area offices. Thus employees undertake various initiatives in environment such as: Energy Conservation Awareness Drives, Rain water harvesting, Global Warming. Arts and culture The Arts has also been an area of special focus of Mahindras social responsibility. Mahindra has instituted the Mahindra Excellence in Theatre Awards (META) which is Indias first dedicated theatre awards instituted by a Corporate. META will develop talent in theatre across the country. The awards will initially cover English Hindi theatre.The selection process covers four broad areas of the country, namely, North, South, East and West.  Six plays selected from each region and are referred to the respective Critics Panel. Mahindra Group also plans to set up a Mahindra Academy for Excellence in Theatre. Sports: Mahindra United Football A club with of games was set up in 1950. In 1956, a group of youngsters make a Mahindra official team in the Bombay Football League.   The company provided full- size football field for practice and training. Mahindra United of Mumbai is the only team in Maharashtra who win the Durand Cup twice; the second oldest trophy in the world. It is also the first team in Maharashtra to win the Harwood League and the Nadkarni Cup three times in a row. The MU won its IFA shield in Kolkata recently. Health Disaster Relief Mahindra Foundation The Mahindra Foundation has been set up to provide medical relief to the poor and needy sections of society. The foundation has helps patients suffering from cancer and heart diseases.   The Mahindra Group has also been very responsive to any disaster in India always. At the time of tsunami or the Gujarat earthquake, the Mahindra family has always provided support either by financial help or by sending vehicles and supplying material. Some of the Notable ESOPS initiatives this year were: The Lifeline Express (hospital-on-wheels) The Lifeline Express is the worlds first hospital on rails and provides free medical and surgical treatment to people suffering from polio, cataract, deafness and cleft lip. It is undertaken by the Tractor Plant in Rudrapur, where 647 surgeries were performed free of cost.   AIDS Awareness Campaign started in July 2007 in nasik city. The Company feels privileged to have received the Businessworld BSR Business for Social Responsibility Award. CSR initiatives taken by Nokia: Nokia is the market leader and a global company so it takes its responsibility seriously. Nokia respects the member of the society. They believe that mobile technologies can contribute to economic growth. Many of the programs are targeted at young people and youth development by Nokia as the corporate social responsibility. For example, Nokia collaborates with the International Youth Foundation. The company also has signed a cooperative agreement with the international childrens organization Plan in Africa to raise the childrens awareness of their opportunities and rights. Nokia also engages in some other types of societal CSR such as employee volunteering, corporate giving, Nokia Data Gathering is an example of a CSR programme that Nokia is expert in mobile technologies to do good things for society. The software allows different organisations to collect data using mobile phones instead of more paper forms. Nokia looks after its employee through various employee programmes and ethical labour practices. Environmental initiatives can be taken as the part of CSR. Taking care of environment is the everyones responsibility in the company. Nokias aim is be to be leader in environmental activities. Environmental management priorities include energy efficiency, managing substance of products, and take-back of used devices for proper recycling. Nokia collaborates with stakeholders to maximize contribution in the environmental management field. For example, in 2007 Nokia initiated supplier collaboration to work on energy efficiency targets Nokia has also worked with World Wide Fund; a global conservation organization, from 2003 in order to enhance Nokias environmental performance and increasing the environmental awareness of all Nokia employees. Since January 2008 Nokia has been a member of WWFs programme Climate Savers that works to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Nokia also supports Connect2Earth, a green on-line community launched by WWF. It want to make a positive impact through its product and services. Nokia aims to ensure that environmental, ethical as well as health and safety issues. Nokias CSR initiatives are given below Nokias helping hands Bridge IT Make a connection Village phones Nokias helping hands Nokia Helping Hands is an employee volunteerism program that allow employees to dedicate a maximum of two working days per year to volunteer work of their choice. The volunteer work includes building schools, collecting toys, clothes and other supplies for people in need and arranging activities for children. Through helping others it is possible to learn new skills and find new perspectives. Village phone Village Phone provides an example of a programme that targets universal access, provide access affordable telecommunications services in rural areas so boost economic development in rural communities. Accessibility is other project that provide accessibility features specifically to those people with disabilities and cognitive, sensory and physical limitations. Nokia is developing another project that will remind people to take their HIV/AIDS medicines on time. Nokia has been looking for a way to remind people on their phones that would be appropriate as well as discreet. This would allow for better monitoring and control from the side of health organizations. Bridge IT It is the result of a unique partnership between Nokia, IYF, Pearson, SEAMO Innotech and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The program uses existing information and communication technologies to access to quality education everywhere in the world. The idea is to offer young people the opportunity to education and skills development. The main objective is to deliver educational material of high quality to developing country schools through wireless technologies. Nokia has the text message technology which can be used in the programme which enables teachers and students to request and download materials from a digital library. So BridgeIT brings global educational materials into the reach of teachers and students in developing countries. Make a connection: Nokia has been cooperating with the International Youth Foundation established in 1990, is a global non-profit organisation working which empower young people to be healthy and productive. IYFs programmes help youth obtain quality education, make healthy choices, gain employability skills, and work to improve their communities. Nokia supports various youth development programme. Instead of starting completely new programmes, IYF identify those of its programmes that are working and bringing the expected benefits for participants. In 2000, Nokia and the IYF launched a global youth development initiative named as Make a Connection which is to strengthen the life skills of young people and prepare them for the future. Minimising environmental footprint Nokias environmental work is based on life cycle thinking which means that Nokia aim to minimize the environmental impact of the products throughout the operations,with the extraction of raw materials and ending with recycling, treatment of waste, and recovery of used materials. Energy efficiency Nokia make sure that devices use as little energy as possible. Nokia also work to reduce the energy consumption of the operations and agree on energy efficiency targets with the key suppliers. The future is in your hands Nokia has launched The Future is in Your Hands, which is a recycling scheme. The programme encourages customers to use special Nokia recycling bins for the disposal of old mobile phones and batteries. The phones will then be properly recycled.The move comes in addition to Nokias existing take-back scheme, which operates in Singapore, Malaysia, Phillipines, Hong Kong, Taiwan and China. CSR initiatives taken by Nestle Nestle is one of Indias branded food manufacturers. Nestles approach is to create a long-term sustainable value for their consumers, customers, employees, shareholders and society as a whole. It is a market leader in pretty every category. Some people say that Nestle doesnt really believe in the concept of corporate social responsibility instead they believe in the concept of creating shared value. The answer to this question is that they do believe that creating share value is one level higher than corporate social responsibility. In corporate social responsibility, they help communities and creating share value is just their way of doing business. Main CSR activities by Nestle are given below: Community Welfare Environment   Rural Development Water Safe drinking water; In India one of the major concern is the availability of clean drinking water for many communities. Approximately 200 million people do not have access to clean drinking water. Nestle India has committed to improving the situation. It believes that the first step is to create awareness in the communities. A key focus area of their Corporate social responsibility initiatives is to help provide Clean Drinking Water. Other one is to educate children in schools so that we can conserve this scarce resource. Nestle also supports local schools. It also helps in the maintenance of public parks and green belts. It facilitates blood donation camps and health awareness programs. All these initiatives strengthen the bond between Nestle and the community. Nestles main emphasis is on creating value for the public in terms of better nutrition, water, and food production. These three are the key to Nestle in building a sustainable business in the long-term. It makes a fundamental connection between shareholder value and community value. Nestle launched a series of initiatives to show its commitment in Creating Shared Value. Such as Company is launching the Nestle Healthy Kids Global Programme. The Nestle Prize, provides financial support of up to USD 461,000 to individuals, NGOs, or small enterprises who offer innovative solutions to nutritional deficiencies, access to clean water, or progress in rural development. Community Development The main business objective of nestle is to create value that can be sustained over the long term for the economy and society, using natural resources, creating growth opportunities and prosperity. The recently originated term is inclusive growth but it shows that in which thing company believes and what is it working for so that the business must be good for society, improving the quality of life of the people. The Nestle in the community model is simple. Employment: Nestle is creating direct and indirect employment knowledge, training programs and through transfer of technology. This enable people in the community to participate in economic prosperity. Nestle is continuously working with the community to understand what is needed to improve their quality of life. Nestle has been conducting dairy development programs in village to train the women in good dairy practices as well as spread awareness about personal health, hygiene, water   conservation and economic independence. Rural Development: Nestle has worked with millions of milk and coffee farmers and has make them better suppliers. It has helped them out of poverty and to prosper. Today, Nestle works directly with almost 600,000 farmers throughout the world, providing around over USD 27 million worth of microfinance in 2008. About 2.4 million people in developing countries earn their livelihoods from the Nestle supply chain. Conclusion- All the three companies are doing their best. They are taking up their corporate social responsibility seriously. Nestle believes in creating the shared value as well as doing their responsibility well. Mahindra has almost tried to do everything for the welfare of the society. Similarly Nokia is also performing well. Where Mahindra focuses on the education of girl child, Nokia and Nestle emphasize on the development of rural areas.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Immunization and Violence :: Philosophy Kant

Immunization and Violence 1. In a text dedicated to Kant as interpreter of the Enlightenment, Michel Foucault locates the task of contemporary philosophy in a precise stance. It concerns that taut and acute relation with the present that he names the "ontology of the actual." How are we to understand the phrase? What does it mean to situate philosophy in the point or on the line in which the actual is revealed in the density of its own historical being? What does an ontology of the actual mean, properly speaking? The expression alludes above all to a change in perspective with regard to ourselves. To be in relation ontologically with the actual means to think modernity no longer as an epoch between others, but as a stance, a posture, a will to see one's own present as a task. There is in this choice, something -- let's call it a tension, an impulse -- that Foucault will call an à ©thos, which moves even beyond the Hegelian definition of philosophy as the proper time spent in thought, because it makes of thou ght the lever that lifts the present out of a linear continuity with time, keeping it suspended between deciding what we are and what we can become. Already in the case of Kant his support of the Enlightenment didn't signify only remaining faithful to certain ideas, affirming the autonomy of man, but above all in activating a permanent critique of the present, not abandoning it in favor of an unattainable utopia, but inverting the notion of the possible that is contained within it, making it the key for a different reading of reality. This is the task of philosophy as the ontology of the actual: while on the level of analysis, locating the difference between that which is essential and that which is contingent, between superficial effects and profound dynamics that move things, that transform lives and that mark existences. We are concerned here with the moment, the critical threshold, from which today's news [cronaca] takes on the breadth of history. That which is placed in being is an underlying question of the meaning of what we call "today." What does today mean generally? What characterizes it essentially, which is to say, what characterizes its effectivity, its contradictions, its potentialities? But this question doesn't exhaust the task of the ontology of the actual. It isn't anything other than the condition for asking another question, this time that has the form of a choice and a decision.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Regulatory Issues of VoIP :: essays research papers

Regulatory issues of VoIP The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has worked to create an environment promoting competition and innovation to benefit consumers. Historically, the FCC has not regulated the Internet or the services provided over it. On February 12, 2004, the FCC found that an entirely Internet-based VoIP service was an unregulated information service. Currently, the FCC is not regulating VoIP, however there are still major concerns that need to be addressed. There are three main issues that are of the utmost importance to the telecommunications industry. The Tax Freedom act, E-911, and Calea are three most imperative issues concerning VoIP.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Internet Tax Freedom Act was authored by Rep. Christopher Cox and Sen. Ron Wyden, and signed into law on October 21, 1998 by President Bill Clinton. This law bars state and local governments from taxing Internet access service. In 2003 the House of Representatives approved bill H.R. 49, the â€Å"Internet Tax Non-Discrimination Act of 2003.† This bill would expand and make permanent a federally imposed â€Å"moratorium† on state and local taxation of sales of â€Å"Internet access† services. States and local governments would be permanently prohibited from charging sales taxes on the monthly service charge that households and businesses pay to be able to access the World Wide Web.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  VoIP rides a fine line between being a telephone service and an internet service. This is due to the fact that a call is initiated from a phone in an analog format, transmitted over the internet in a digital format and finally converted back to analog format typically across the same lines that traditional phones operate on. In addition many states rely on the taxes received from telephone service to run programs to low income areas. VoIP is seen as threat to these programs because taxes will not be imposed on this service due to current legislative language. Many opponents of the non-taxation of VoIP feel that exemption from taxation is not needed to spur investments in this type of telecommunication. They also feel it singles out one type of telecommunications service for favorable treatment, which will lead to other types of services asking for similar treatment at the expense of the state and local tax base. E-911 short for Enhanced 911, is a location technology that will enable phones to process 911 emergency calls and enable emergency services to locate the geographic position of the caller. When a person makes a 911 call using a traditional phone with ground wires, the call is routed to the nearest public safety answering point (PSAP) that then distributes the emergency call to the proper services.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Turning Back Time Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers

Turning Back Time Progeria, an extremely rare disease caused by a slight genetic defect, victimizes every 1 in 4 million children. , (3). At the moment, there are twelve cases of Progeria in the US, and no more than one hundred have been reported around the world. While the child suffering from Progeria will appear to have no symptoms at birth, the tell tale signs of the fatal disease will begin to surface within a few months, (1). The common first symptom of a child who may be a Progerian is that the ends of their shoulder bones will be re-absorbed into their bodies. Soon, he or she will be underweight and undersize for his or her age. Hair loss and dental decay will follow. The disease slowly eliminates body fat. Eventually the Progerian will become afflicted by arthritis and take on the appearance of a person five to ten times their age, (6).On average, a Progerian will live to be thirteen. Usually their death will be due to a cardiovascular disease such as heart attack or stroke. Over the past four years, a lot of progress has been made studying Progeria. Researchers have concluded the cause of this disease is most likely due to a "single letter misspelling in the genetic code on a single chromosome, which is a coiled strand of DNA within the cell". After examining twenty Progerians, eighteen were found to have the same genetic abnormality. The 19th case had a similar 'misspelling' in a nearby gene. The 20th case did not have "classic Progeria", (2).The gene which was found to be abnormal in eighteen of the cases, is responsible for making the protein called 'lamin A'. If this protein is defective, premature cell death occurs. This protein structures the inner layer of membrane surrounding the nucleus. Each Progerian e... ...theory of evolution could be found on the cover of a Hallmark birthday card. References 1)Medlineplus, General information about health problems and diseases 2)Progeria Research Foundation, One of the few websites dedicated to the study of Progeria 3)Progeria Project, Provides articles and information about Progeria 4) Link from Berkely University Website, Interesting facts about lifespan 5) USA Today, Article about Progeria 6) CNN Link from Homepage, Detail the health issues involved with Progeria

Saturday, August 17, 2019

On Becoming A Leader Essay

Nowadays, the title of â€Å"leader† seems to be sloppily thrown here and there. For the inexperienced eye, if someone seems to be the dominant individual in a group, people automatically ascribe the term to the person. Nowadays, it seems to be more of having a title than meeting that title’s responsibilities. It is imperative for a leader to know what enables his leadership; he should know how he had come to that position. In retrospect, a good study of the great leaders has amounted to a list of qualities that they innately possess. Bennis, (2003) in his book, â€Å"On Becoming A Leader† talks about what it takes to become a leader. There are different so-called â€Å"ingredients† that the author attributes the greatness of those people who have been worth enough to be called leaders of their generation. He speaks of ingredients such as guiding vision wherein a leader knows where he is going and knows how to get there. It is the proverbial horizon that the leader looks to. Another ingredient is passion—it is an enduring love for what he is doing. The author also speaks about integrity and being honest to oneself. He talks about the importance of doing away with self-deception and aligning one’s thoughts with one’s words and actions. He adds curiosity and a daring attitude to the mix as he stresses the importance of learning how to not be satisfied with the status quo by taking on challenges which have real-life risks. Finally, he closes with one of the most poignant traits that a leader must have. He bases his findings on a simple, yet hard-to-define element: trust. The author gives several reasons why it is important for a leader to be trustworthy. This trait essentially speaks of a leader’s integrity and how he deals with other people. Bennis says that it is one of the qualities that can only be earned and not acquired. It is given freely by the leader’s peers and followers. (Bennis, 2003) Trust is said to be one of the essentials that a leader needs in order to have his or her group up and running. Like a car without fuel, a leader will not be able to function if those under the leadership do not trust him. More than anything, this is the most vital part of any type of leadership. If the people are unable to follow the leader because they do not trust him or her, then it would be better if there was no one to follow at all. Apart from trust, all of the other ingredients are learned. Ordinary people will eventually learn how to look at the big picture and become accountable to themselves and to others. Leaders-to-be will eventually engender a love and a passion for what it is that they do but on of the things that cannot be learned is the trust that comes with responsibility. To be able to look at one’s follower and have that person say to you, â€Å"I trust you† is one of the most precious ingredients a leader can ever have. It is the cherry on top of everything else—the so-called icing on the cake without which everything will simply be ordinary and out-of-the-box. With all of the talk of having certain qualities that a leader needs to have, all of the ingredients are important but none as important as the trust that is earned by a leader.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Essay for Santa Monica

I have attended Salesman Demised University and graduated with a Bachelor Degree of Mechanical Engineering on July 3rd 2009. Before graduating, I manage to attend an internship in a manufacturing company that specializes in the auto industry of my field. Throughout my experience in this company, I saw that my English wasn't good enough to communicate with other business people who visited our company when they ask question about our product and I couldn't explain to them better.Therefore, I decided to come to America to study English professionally because I learn from experience that English language Is the common point everywhere I go. It Is use to communicate to everyone especially In my career. If I learn to speak fluently, I can communicate better with the people In the Industry of mechanical engineering and together with other nationality. Coming to America for the first time In my life, I was enrolled In the IF International Language School.I have enjoyed the school but It's t o Like academic program where I can actually study more seriously compare to IF International School. So I visited few colleges in Los Angles area and I found out about El Camino College and I asked few students who study in the campus about the English program. And I was told that Santa Monica College has a great learning for English program in Los Angles. Then I visited Santa Monica campus and I saw the difference. I like the atmosphere of the campus and it's very close to the beach.There are also many different nationalities that I saw who attended Santa Monica College and they all say that it has good credibility to transfer too university. Once I finish learning professional English, I also would like to do Business Administration so I can expand my parent's family business globally. Therefore, I would like to apply for your college to fulfill my dreams. If I will be given a chance to attend your school institution, it will be a big dream comes true for me and my family who sup port me from a thousand miles away. I will be one of the happiest person from the country of Turkey.

Benihana Company Essay

Helping our guests feel welcome is as important as our cooking. And it is just as great a skill. Ever striving for excellence in hospitality, it is truly our restaurant family who has built Benihana’s success. Company History: Benihana, Inc. owns and licenses restaurants in the Benihana and Benihana Grill chain of Japanese dinnerhouses. The restaurants specialize in an exhibition-style of Japanese cooking called teppanyaki. Customers sit around a communal table at which a Benihana chef slices their seafood, steak, chicken, and vegetables with lightning speed, grills their meal right in front of them, and then tosses it accurately onto their plates. The restaurants are decorated with Samurai armor and valuable art, and Shoji rice paper screens partition the dining areas. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 1996, the company had sales of over $81 million, an all-time high. By December 1996, Benihana operated a total of 49 licensed and wholly owned restaurants in 20 states as well as in Bogota, Columbia, and Aruba, Netherlands Antilles. Early History, from Tokyo to New York The founder of Benihana, Inc. was a 25-year-old Olympic wrestler from Japan named Hiroaki Rocky Aoki. He got his start in the restaurant business by working after school in his family’s coffee shop in downtown Tokyo. His mother named the family business Benihana after a red flower that survived the bombing of Tokyo during World War II. Rocky was a scrapper, defending himself in the streets and schoolyards against bigger boys. He got hooked on wrestling, became a national university champion, and earned a place on the 1960 Olympic team. Although he didn’t compete because he was over his weight limit, he did fall in love with New York when the plane stopped there on the way to the Games in Rome. That fall he left Japan for the United States. In 1964, Aoki graduated from New York Community College’s School of Hotel and Restaurant Management. During the summer he earned money driving the only ice cream truck in Harlem. The job was not easy, as he explained in an article in Management Review. â€Å"Every time I robbed, I get up earlier the next day and work later to make up. Every time I lose money, I get more challenge.† With that philosophy, he managed to save $10,000 during the summer, which, along with a loan, was enough to start his first restaurant, Benihana of Tokyo. Aoki’s concept for his new restaurant, derived from specialty restaurants he knew of in Japan, was part entertainment and part food service. He wanted to offer Americans food they were familiar with, such as chicken, steak, and shrimp, prepared in a novel setting. He chose the teppanyaki table–a stainless steel grill surrounded by a wooden eating surface–where customers could watch a knife-wielding, joke-telling chef prepare and serve their food. His parents and brothers came from Japan to help him get started. Unfortunately, New Yorkers equated Japanese food with raw fish and weren’t comfortable sitting at a table with strangers. They ignored the midtown Manhattan eatery until the restaurant critic of the New York Herald Tribune gave it a glowing review. Suddenly, everyone in New York, including the Beatles and Muhammad Ali, wanted to sit around one of Benihana of Tokyo’s four teppanyaki tables. Within six months after the review the restaurant had paid for itself, and Aoki quickly opened another restaurant in a larger, fancier building. The new location provided the same teppanyaki-style cooking but was decorated with valuable art, Samurai armor, heavy wooden ceiling beams brought from Japan by Aoki’s father, and sliding Shoji screens to provide some privacy. 1965-80: Building a Company The Benihana concept combined reasonable prices with good food, and, by preparing what was eaten right at the table, held waste to a minimum. Profits were good, and, in 1968, Aoki opened his first Benihana of Tokyo outside New York City–in downtown Chicago. That location made $700,000 in its first year and continued to be one of the company’s top earning outlets. Between 1969 and 1972, the company opened six more of its own restaurants and licensed franchisees to open another ten. In a joint venture with the Las Vegas Hilton, the company developed Benihana Village, a 38,000-square-foot complex of restaurants, bars, and other entertainment venues. In 1972, the company grossed $12 million and the Harvard Business School selected Benihana of Tokyo as a case study of an entrepreneurial success story. With business going so well, Rocky Aoki could devote time to his other interests which included racing balloons and powerboats, collecting items ranging from vintage cars to slot machines and learning backgammon. â€Å"Rocky wanted to play,† Joel Schwartz, the company’s president, explained in a 1989 Forbes article. To help oversee the chain’s operations and expansion, Aoki brought in a management company, Hardwicke Cos., as a partner in 1976. The relationship lasted only four years and, in 1980, Aoki ended the partnership, paying $3.7 million to break the contract. As Rod Willis of Management Review explained in a 1986 article, â€Å"He [Aoki] felt the company’s management style clashed with his predominately Oriental workforce, and he wanted to maintain control over each restaurant’s quality.† The following year Aoki settled, without admitting any guilt, a Securities and Exchange Commission charge that he had improperly traded in Hardwicke stock while serving as vice-president of Hardwicke. The 1980s: Ups and Downs To help pay off the debt incurred in the split with Hardwicke, Aoki decided to take part of the company public. He accomplished this by having Benihana of Tokyo (BOT) form Benihana National Corporation (BNC) in 1982 and then taking the latter company public the following year. Investors paid the Miami-based BNC $11 for a unit consisting of two common shares and a warrant to buy another at $6. With the $5.5 million raised by selling half a million of these units, BNC bought 11 restaurants from Aoki in exchange for 60 percent of the BNC common stock and $2.5 million to pay BOT’s debt. Later in the year, BNC bought another three restaurants from BOT for $7 million. In spite of the new corporate structure, Benihana of Tokyo and Benihana National Corporation remained under the management of the same group of executives. As corporate president, Joel Schwartz continued to oversee the day to day operation of both companies. Aoki, who served as chairman of both entities, retained 51 percent of the common stock in BNC and kept about 30 restaurants in the privately held BOT. Aoki developed new concepts for the Benihana food chain but he also continued to play hard, becoming a championship-level backgammon player and setting a world record in off-shore powerboat racing. The Double Eagle V, a 400,000 cubic-foot gas balloon, displayed the Benihana logo as it became the first crewed balloon to successfully cross the Pacific Ocean, with Aoki as one of the crew members. One of Aoki’s new concepts was Benihana National Classics, a line of Chinese gourmet frozen foods, introduced in 1984 and sold in supermarkets. Chinese cuisine was chosen when the company found that Japanese food didn’t freeze well. Within a year the Classics were the best-selling Oriental frozen foods in the United States, with sales in one quarter alone reaching more than $40 million and profits climbing to over $4 million. The company’s stock took off, going as high as $21.50 in 1985. In December of that year, Restaurant and Institution magazine named Benihana of Tokyo the most popular family-style restaurant in America. At that time, Benihana of Tokyo and Benihana National together operated or franchised restaurants in 60 locations, from Seattle to New Jersey, serving a total of 25,000 customers a day. Benihana National’s frozen food success quickly attracted the attention of major food companies. When Campbell Soup and Stouffer’s began offering their own lines of Oriental frozen foods, however, Benihana couldn’t compete. The company lost $11 million on frozen foods between 1985 and 1987 and finally sold the business, for $4.5 million, to the small company that had been producing the dinners for them. Frozen food, however, was not Aoki’s only new idea. In 1985, Benihana National opened its first seafood restaurant, The Big Splash, just north of Miami. Aoki believed the sea would be the primary supplier of food in the future, and, borrowing an idea from a Malaysian fish market, came up with the concept of a seafood marketplace/restaurant. Customers could choose from hundreds of varieties of fresh seafood, decide how they wanted it cooked, and watch it being prepared. The idea was so popular initially that a second Big Splash was opened. The seafood restaurants soon experienced difficulty, however, registering losses of $2.7 million during 1987. The wide variety of options ran completely counter to the tight focus and minimal waste of the Benihana steakhouses. At the Miami location, the majority of customers were retirees who resented the high prices and preferred to eat fish they were familiar with. â€Å"All we sold was salmon and red snapper,† Aoki told Eric Schmukler in a March 1989 Forbes article. The company closed its Big Splash outlets in March 1988. The 1988 fiscal year was a hard one for Benihana, as the company recorded a loss of nearly $7 million. Despite the company’s financial problems with Classics and Big Splash, the Benihana restaurants themselves were still popular. By the end of fiscal 1989, the publicly owned Benihana National Corp. reported profits of some $1.8 million on sales of $34 million at its 20 restaurants, with Aoki’s privately-held Benihana of Tokyo taking in similar revenues. 1990-94: Making a Turnaround Rocky Aoki kicked off the new decade by opening a gallery in one of the Miami Benihana restaurants to display a portion of what was becoming known in the art world as the Rocky Aoki Collection. Having spent more than a year consolidating his diverse collections, Aoki told Antiques & Collecting, â€Å"I think it’s a natural to have a gallery here. More than 90,000 people eat in this restaurant every year; why not provide them with something beautiful to look at, not to mention buy, if they so desire.† In a 300-square-foot space that had been the restaurant’s gift shop, diners could view etchings by Icarts, lamps by Tiffany and Handel, and bronzes by Remington. The publicity about Aoki’s collection helped generate business for the restaurant, and overall company revenues continued to grow. Profits, however, were less than a million dollars a year, and BNC stock fell below $1 a share. Angry at the situation, some shareholders sued. As Marilyn Alva reported in a 1992 Restaurant Business article, the shareholders claimed Aoki and his management team were in a conflict of interest by managing the two companies. The complainants further maintained that Benihana management had misappropriated the assets of Benihana National Corporation, passing them through Benihana of Tokyo for their personal benefit. The shareholders, however, were ultimately unsuccessful in trying to take control of the company away from Aoki. Meanwhile, Benihana management took advantage of a health-conscious American public’s growing interest in Japanese food and entertainment. With the tag line, â€Å"We have been the restaurant of the ’90s since the ’60s,† Aoki and Schwartz instituted a major advertising campaign stressing the fact that Benihana had always offered healthful food. Soon afterwards, in 1993, the Atlanta Benihana of Tokyo restaurant added an 18-seat sushi bar and 35-seat Karaoke dining room to draw more customers on weekday nights. Despite the higher labor and food costs associated with sushi, the company reported an increase in beverage sales, and a lot of sampling of the $.99 sushi pieces by people waiting to eat at the traditional teppanyaki tables. Learning from its experience a decade earlier, in 1994 Benihana National Corp. decided to get into the frozen food business again. This time, however, by entering into a licensing agreement with Campbell Soup Co., the company hooked up with a major marketer rather than trying to compete with the big names. The new product was a line of frozen stir-fry kits featuring the Benihana trademark. The dinners served six people and sold for about $8.00. As Peter McMullin, an analyst with Southeast Research Partners, told Florida Review.Net, â€Å"This time the strategy makes sense because it is linking with a high profile food company to help strengthen the distribution side and offsetting the razor-thin margins of retail by manufacturing with a low cost producer like Campbell.† By the end of the fiscal year, revenues were over $70 million, with profits up 41 percent to $2.4 million. 1995 and Beyond: A New Company At the beginning of 1995, Benihana National announced it would buy Aoki’s 21 Benihana of Tokyo restaurants on the U.S. mainland, along with the U.S. rights to the Benihana trademark, for about $6.15 million. On May 16, a newly created subsidiary, Benihana Inc., acquired the BOT restaurants and, through a merger, simultaneously acquired Benihana National. BNC shareholders received one share in the new holding company for each of their shares of Benihana National. Aoki continued to serve as chairman of the new company and Schwartz as president. Benihana Inc. now owned or licensed the 43 Benihana restaurants in the continental United States along with a franchise in Honolulu. It also had the rights to develop or license Benihana restaurants in Central and South America and the Caribbean Islands. Aoki kept private his Benihana of Tokyo restaurants in Hawaii, Britain, and Thailand. During 1995, the new company took several steps to attract more customers. Benihana introduced weekend luncheon service and, following the success in Atlanta, opened sushi bars in seven locations. The company also instituted a national Karaoke contest for its patrons. In the fall, the company opened its first smaller format unit, called the Benihana Grill, in Sacramento. At 3,800 square feet, the Grill format was less than half the size of the traditional Benihana, and enabled the company to open units in smaller locations, particularly in urban areas. Schwartz had been refining this format since 1989 as an alternative to the company’s more common free-standing, special use restaurant buildings. The Benihana Grill was designed to accommodate 10 to 12 teppanyaki tables, compared to the 18 tables in the typical Benihana. Analyst Peter McMullin remarked, â€Å"Initial indications are encouraging even before the grand opening. With the lower capital costs of approximately $500,00 0 versus a stand-alone restaurant cost of $2 million, this could become an enormous growth vehicle for Benihana.† The new hours and offerings helped increase guest counts in existing restaurants by 8.7 percent and same store sales by an average of 7.7 percent for fiscal 1996. This rise, plus the addition of the Benihana of Tokyo restaurants and the new Benihana Grill, resulted in annual revenues of over $81 million. Benihana’s growth came primarily from increased traffic in its existing restaurants, and the company continued to support that strategy. Early in 1996, in an effort to gain a larger share of the ethnic market, the company launched Spanish-language television advertisements in Miami and Los Angeles. In May, Benihana kicked off a two-year, $5 million ad campaign, focusing on the entertainment value of teppanyaki cooking. â€Å"We want to bring the Benihana name to a different audience,† company president Joel Schwartz told Nation’s Restaurant News in a May 6, 1996 article. â€Å"The ads show that Benihana is a place the entire family can come to and have a good time–a place they will see the chef perform and flip shrimp.† Individual restaurants also developed innovative marketing techniques. A visit and meal at the Benihana in Bethesda, Maryland, for example, is one of the activities in the county’s social studies curriculum for third graders l earning about Japan. The company did not depend entirely on its existing restaurants for growth. During 1996, it also signed leases for several more Benihana Grills and expanded its franchise operations, including restaurants in Bogota, Columbia, and Aruba, Netherlands Antilles. Benihana’s track record of steady growth in same store sales, rising customer count, and profitability appeared to be continuing into the late 1990s as revenues for the first half of fiscal 1997 were up over eight percent from the year before. Further Reading: Alva, Marilyn, â€Å"Very Rocky Business: Aoki Besieged by Shareholder Suits,† Restaurant Business, February 10, 1992. â€Å"Benihana Buying Founder Aoki’s Units,† Nation’s Restaurant News, January 16, 1995, p. 14. â€Å"Benihana Profits Rise 67% for First Nine Months of Fiscal ’95,† Nation’s Restaurant News, February 12, 1996, p. 12. â€Å"Benihana Testing Stir-Fry Kits,† Supermarket News, October 17, 1994, p. 28.